It is not our goal to brag, nor are we in competition with other Bible colleges. What we do desire is to strive for excellence in all we do, as unto Christ (Colossians 3:16, 17).

We hope you will seek the will of God when choosing your college. In order to provide you with enough information to make a wise decision, consider some of our unique characteristics that may stand-out to you.

We provide a top-ranked Bible education

In national Bible Knowledge Test results, Clear Creek students show a 40% increase in Bible knowledge from entry to graduation. Upon graduating, Clear Creek students test 26% higher than the rest of the nation taking the same exit test. Clear Creek provides Bible-centered preparation for ministry. Where as most colleges offer 4 Bible classes (Old and New Testament 1-2), we offer 16 Bible classes that walk through each book of the Bible in-depth.

We have a high faculty-student ratio

We believe your education is important. Our faculty-to-student ratio is key to our success as a Bible college. We have a faculty member for every twelve students (on campus). Whether it is for fellowship, or to help tutor, our professors often spend one-on-one time with students.

We are the Bible college of the Kentucky Baptist Convention

No other Bible college shares this distinction. We have partnered with the Kentucky Baptist Convention to train God-called ministers since 1946. It has been our privilege to work closely with the convention to see so many men and women enter into Christian service.

All faculty have at least five years of full-time Christian service

Our faculty and staff know what they are teaching – not just because they have studied it, but because they have lived it. In many cases, our professors are still pastoring churches and reaching-out to local communities through organized efforts. When you sit down to learn, you are receiving a wealth of knowledge that is well-tempered with experience and wisdom.

We have family housing for most family configurations

Family housing is not unique to Clear Creek, but with over 25 two, three, and four bedroom units, you know we are a family-friendly environment. God has allowed us to provide inexpensive housing to families in order to remove as many obstacles as possible when it comes to answering God’s call later in life. We also have one bedroom units for those who are married without children. Of course, we have dorm and apartment housing for singles as well.

We have over 700 acres of land for learning and fun.

Our campus is nestled within the Pine Mountain State Park in Pineville, KY. Our 700 acres of land is mostly wooded with trails and creeks. Some of our students have been known to camp in the woods during breaks. If you or your children enjoy the outdoors, there is plenty to explore at Clear Creek.

Clear Creek is a debt-free institution

We believe the borrower is slave to the lender (Proverbs 22:7). Clear Creek has been debt-free since 1991.

We are not a tuition-driven school

We know that going to school is expensive. That’s why our tuition is among the lowest in the nation for private colleges. In fact, for every dollar our students pay in tuition, someone else donates three dollars. That means your tuition and fees are only one-fourth of the cost of your education. Our donors are as committed as we are to training God-called men and women for Christian service.